Topic | Format | Author, Last Name |
Author, Other Name |
Date | Title | Description | Comment | Publication | IPR | Platform | Size | URL |
sort | sort | sort | sort | sort | ||||||||
arithmetic | article | Jakeman | Chris | 1990-12 | A high-level /MOD | Forthwrite | author | small | request copy | |||
arithmetic | article | Preston | Philip | 1991-02 | Multi-cell arithmetic | Forthwrite | author | request copy | ||||
arithmetic | article | Avins | Jerry | 1998-11 | High speed look-up using quadratic interpolation | deviation from linear as 2 extra data points | sin(0) to sin(90) at 9-bit precision needs only 5 values | Forth Dimensions | author | ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | article | Eckert | Brad | 1999-01 | High accuracy look-up using cubic interpolation | Fits curve through 4 equally-spaced points | sin(0) to sin(90) at 16-bit precision needs only 19 values | Forth Dimensions | publication | ANS Forth | small | request copy |
arithmetic | article | Pochin | Dave | 2000-06 | Floating Decimal Fudge | Forthwrite | author | | ||||
arithmetic | article | Jakeman | Chris | 2002-09 | Linear Interpolation | Uses binary arithmetic for speed | Refined by newsgroup feedback | Forthwrite | author | ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | distribution | Zettel | Leonard | 1994-06 | Arithmetic for big numbers | Arbitrarily large number | FIG Archive | GPL | ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | distribution | Ressler | Mike | 2001-01 | Fast trigonometry functions | Integer arithmetic to 1/10 degree | Quartus site | author | Quartus Forth | 0.01 MB | | |
arithmetic | source blocks | Wenham | Alan | 1997-11 | Floating Point Arithmetic for F83 | Based on Ting's FP for F-PC with corrections | Some assembler used | FIG Archive | author | 80486 | 20 blocks | |
arithmetic | source file | Charlton | Gordon | 1993-06 | Random integer generator | 2 32-bit solutions from Numerical Recipes | Better using UM* and UM* and best ever | Forthwrite | author | ANS Forth | small | request copy |
arithmetic | source file | Payne | John | 1993-08 | Random integer generator | 2 32-bit solutions from Numerical Recipes | Simple using UMD* and better using UM/MOD, UM* and UM* | Forthwrite | author | ANS Forth | small | request copy |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 1998- | Benchmark - benchpin.4th | Returns no. of primes <= N | Recursion benchmark | personal site | original by A. van der Horst | ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 1998- | Factoring arbitrarily large numbers | Finds a factorization of numbers with reasonable "small" factors | Eg: Is 97321087 divisible by 10? | personal site | original by M.Hendrix | ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 1998- | Primes.4th | Tests for a prime number | personal site | non-author | ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Noble | Julian | 1998- | Complex arithmetic lexicon | Words for complex number arithmetic | Assumes separate floating point stack | personal site | author | ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 1998-12 | Calculate mean and standard deviation of data points - stats.4th | Requires matrix.4th | personal site | author | kForth & ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 1998-12 | Fit non-linear function through data points with least-squares error - curvefit.4th | Requires matrix.4th | personal site | author | kForth & ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Eckert | Brad | 1999-01 | High accuracy look-up using cubic interpolation | Fits curve through 4 equally-spaced points | sin(0) to sin(90) at 16-bit precision needs only 19 values | Forth Dimensions | publication | ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | source file | Eckert | Brad | 1999-11 | Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) | Uses integer arithmetic | personal site | author | Win32Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2000-10 | Fit a quadratic curve through data points - pfex.4th | Requires matrix.4th and polyfit.4th | personal site | author | kForth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2000-10 | Fit a straight line through data points - linefit.4th | Requires matrix.4th and polyfit.4th | personal site | author | kForth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2001- | Matrix inversion and manipulation - matrix.4th | Integer and floating point matrix manipulation routines for kForth | personal site | author | kForth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2001- | Read and write matrix data from file - matfiles.4th | Requires matrix.4th, strings.4th, files.4th | personal site | GPL | kForth & ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Noble | Julian | 2001- | Converting units of measure on input | Small but important | personal site | author | ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Noble | Julian | 2001- | Ftran formula translator | Calculates expressions like f" a=b*c-3.17e-5/tanh(w)+abs(x)" | Includes separate documentation | personal site | author | ANS Forth | | |
arithmetic | source file | Noble | Julian | 2001- | Monte Carlo Techniques | Includes simulated annealing | personal site | author | ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Noble | Julian | 2001- | Numerical Quadrature Routines | personal site | author | ANS Forth | small | | ||
arithmetic | source file | Noble | Julian | 2001- | Roots of real and complex polynomials | Laguerre algorithm | personal site | author | ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Noble | Julian | 2001- | Solution of Differential Equations | 4 methods included | personal site | author | ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Noble | Julian | 2001- | Solution of Linear Equations | Includes tridiagonal matrices by LU method and Gaussian elimination with row pivoting | as described in Noble -- "Scientific Forth: A Modern Language for Scientific Computing" | personal site | author | ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | source file | Noble | Julian | 2001- | Tools for showing binary operations, eg 3 5 XOR | Print in binary, also print operation as for classroom arithmetic | personal site | author | ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2001-03 | Calculate derivative of data points - derivative.4th | Requires matrix.4th | personal site | author | kForth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2001-04 | Array tools | Toolset for one- and two-dimensional arrays in ANS Forth | personal site | original by J.Noble | kForth & ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2001-07 | Random floating point generator - noise.4th | personal site | author | kForth & ANS Forth | small | | ||
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2001-07 | Save results to test randomness - testrandom.4th | Requires matrix.4th and noise.4th | personal site | author | kForth & ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2001-10 | Calculate Fourier transform of 1-dimensional data - fft1d.4th | personal site | author | kForth & ANS Forth | small | | ||
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2002-01 | Build a histogram for data points | Requires matrix.4th | personal site | GPL | kForth & ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2002-01 | Fit double gaussian function through data points - gfit.4th | Requires matrix.4th, curvefit.4th & func_2gauss.4th | One word definition! | personal site | author | kForth & ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2002-01 | Fit polynomial through data points - polyfit.4th | Integer and floating point matrix manipulation routines for kForth | One word definition! | personal site | author | kForth & ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2002-02 | Roots of quadratic polynomial | a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0 | One word definition! | personal site | author | kForth & ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2002-04 | Complex floating-point matrix words - zmatrix.4th | Requires matrix.4th & comlex.4th | Assumes separate floating point stack | personal site | author | kForth & ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | 2002-05 | Complex arithmetic lexicon - complex.4th | Words for complex number arithmetic | Assumes separate floating point stack | personal site | original by J.Noble | kForth & ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | source file | Eckert | Brad | unknown | Random integer generator | Based on Montgomery, for 16 or 32-bit Forths | Simple, fast using just UM* | personal site | author | ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | source file | Eckert | Brad | unknown | Simple look-up using linear interpolation | Example is sin quadrant in 16 data points | Add : U2/ 1 rshift ; with an ANS Forth | personal site | author | ANS Forth | small | |
arithmetic | source file | Hendrix | Marcel | unknown | Factoring arbitrarily large numbers | Finds a factorization of numbers with reasonable "small" factors | Eg: Is 97321087 divisible by 10? | personal site | author | ANS Forth | | |
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | unknown | Calculate a double gaussian function - func_2gauss.4th | personal site | author | kForth & ANS Forth | small | | ||
arithmetic | source file | Myneni | Krishna | unknown | Calculate Fourier transform of a step input - stepfft.4th | Requires matrix.4th and fft1d.4th | personal site | author | kForth & ANS Forth | small | | |
arithmetic | tutorial | Johnson | 2001-07 | Greatest common denominator (GCD) in ColorForth | Euclid's recursive algorithm finds the GCD of two numbers | Insight into programming ColorForth | personal site | author | ColorForth | |
Unless otherwise noted all comments are by Chris Jakeman
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