Forth News from Forthwrite Magazine

From the February 2004 Issue

Forth Events

German Forth Conference - 20FG04

The annual conference of the German FIG takes place on the 16th to the 18th of April. this is their 20th annual conference and they extend their welcome to all FIG UK members. For further information see Fred Behringer's report in this issue.

euroFORTH 2004

The likely dates for this EuroFORTH conference are the 19th to the 22nd of November 2004, to take place at Castle Dagstuhl in Saarland, Germany. For anyone considering takikng part there is a mailing list for delegates at

FIG UK 25th Anniversary Reunion

FIG UK will be holding its Silver Jubilee this November. details to follow.

Forth People

FIG UK Webmaster

Jenny Brien, our webmaster has recent undergone major surgery and is presently convalescing. I am sure you will all join the committee in wishing her a full and speedy recovery. Jenny reports she is doing fine, but her email account is being plagued by spam and asks that anyone emailing her put "FIGUK" in the subject header. She has a dial-up connection and her spam filter will delete anything it does not recognise without downloading it.

Forth Resources


Dave Pochin reports that his Win32Forth Tutorial has been revised and updated. the latest version (released in December 2003) now covers Win32Forth v6.7001 and can be found at

From F11-UK to F12-UK

As reported in the last issue, all the F11-UK microcontroller boards from thefirst run have been sold. Jeremy Fowell reports on an exciting new development in this issue. Owners of the F11-UK may rest assured that the board will continue tobe supported. A new batch of printed circuit boards has been ordered so the F11-UK kit will still be available.

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