Site Map
Joining Fig UK entitles you to 6 issues of Forthwrite and our Membership services for that period (about a year)
Fees are:
Please send a cheque payable to FIG UK and addressed to Doug Neale at 58 Woodlands Way, MORDEN, SM4 4DS (020 8542 2747).
Please send the equivalent of £12 in notes in your local currency to Doug Neale. Any value in excess of the £12 minimum will extend your membership
Forthwrite is our regular magazine, which has been in publication for over 100 issues. Most of the contributions come from our own members and Chris Jakeman, the Editor, is always ready to assist new authors wishing to share their experiences of the Forth world.
Our library provides a service unmatched by any other FIG chapter. Not only are all the major books available, but also conference proceedings, back-issues of Forthwrite and also of the magazine of International FIG, Forth Dimensions. The price of a loan is simply the cost of postage out and back.
Jenny Brien maintains our web site. She publishes details of FIG UK projects, a regularly-updated Forth News report, indexes to the Forthwrite magazine and the library as well as specialist contributions such as "Build Your Own Forth" and links to other sites. Don't forget to check out the "FIG UK Hall of Fame".
Software for accessing Internet Relay Chat is free and easy to use. FIG UK members (and a few others too) get together on the #FIG UK channel every month. Regular announcements are made on the comp.lang.forth newsgroup.
The members are our greatest asset. If you have a problem, don't struggle in silence - someone will always be able to help. Do consider joining one of our joint projects. Undertaken by informal groups of members, these are very successful and an excellent way to gain both experience and good friends.
FIG UK has links with International FIG, the German Forth-Gesellschaft and the Dutch Forth Users Group. Some of our members have multiple memberships and we report progress and special events. FIG UK has attracted a core of overseas members; please ask if you want an accelerated postal delivery for your Forthwrite.