0 votes
by (200 points)
I have an iMac running MacOS Big Sur 11.5.2. I downloaded the software files VFXForth64 successfully with the link provided by Stephen Pelc of MPEForth. Installing the code with the terminal commands given in “ReadMe.Osx64.txt” didn’t work. I don’t know how to proceed further. I’m not familiar with the terminal commands. Never used it. Can someone help me further?

Kindly regards

Pierre Thijssen

3 Answers

0 votes
by (200 points)
Perhaps the following could be of help. Tell what's not working for you.

Installing from the tarball .tgz file without Terminal.app


Choose a directory into which you will put most of VFX Forth.

A suitable place for VFX Forth could be


That Applications folder doesn't exist in the default macOS setting. But macOS is 'geared' to know about that folder since day one of MacOS X.

So open a Finder window showing your home folder. Create a new folder Applications, then move the vfx tarball in there.

Open the folder, which now contains the tarball. Double click the tarball, it should automatically unarchive, resulting in the VfxForthOsx64 folder. You can trash the tarball if necessary.

Open the VfxForthOsx64 folder, you should see InstallMe.Osx64.sh. I just checked, it has the execution bit set. Double click InstallMe.Osx64.sh (if nothing happens, change the .sh in to .command and try again).

Now macOS security machinery will be triggered in to action. See George Kozlowski's excellent explanation what to do next in the 'Unsigned binaries and libs causing issues in Big Sur' thread on this forum.
0 votes
by (200 points)
Dear Rolf;

Did everything you describe in the answer to my question on "not able to install VFXForth64 on my imac running MacOS Big Sur 11.5.2. After changing to "InstallMe.Osx.command"  and running it I got the following printout:

"Last login: Sun Aug 29 17:53:49 on ttys000
/Users/pierrethijssen/VfxRoot/VfxForthOsx64/InstallMe.Osx64.command ; exit;     
pierrethijssen@iMac-van-Pierre ~ % /Users/pierrethijssen/VfxRoot/VfxForthOsx64/InstallMe.Osx64.command ; exit;
Cannot find executable files
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]
I did everything according to your answer. Can you help me further with what I'm doing wrong?

Kindly regards

Pierre Thijssen
by (200 points)
edited by
Ok, you're not doing anything wrong. The shell script can't find the executables. My fault.

We can't escape the Terminal.

Open a Finder window with your VfxRoot folder containing VfxForthOsx64.
Select Finder menu -> Services -> New Terminal at Folder
Terminal will launch and present you with a shell window pointing at
Copy or type:   ./InstallMe.Osx64.command
and hit the return key.

If this still chokes the system:
open the InstallMe.Osx.command in a plain text editor and remove everything.
Copy everything in between <code> and </code> in to the script file, and save.
#! /bin/bash

# Install the compiler and VFX Forth to /usr/local/bin
# Install the shared libraries to /usr/local/lib
  sudo cp -a Bin/x64.mo                  /usr/local/bin/
  sudo cp -a Bin/VfxForth*_x64_mac.mo    /usr/local/bin/
  sudo cp -a Bin/stubosx64.mo            /usr/local/bin/
#  sudo cp -a Bin/skimpage.scpt           /usr/local/bin/
  sudo cp -a Bin/libmpeparser64.0.dylib  /usr/local/lib/
  sudo cp -a Bin/vfxsupp64.1.dylib       /usr/local/lib/
  # set directory vars used later to set INI file

# create the links
pushd /usr/local/bin
ln -s VfxForth_x64_mac.mo vfxosx64
ln -s VfxForth_x64_mac.mo vfxforth64
ln -s VfxForth_x64_mac.mo vfx64

# make directory vars visible

# Create a default INI file if there isn't one
if [ ! -f  ${HOME}/.VfxForth.ini ]

# Run VFX to finish the INI file set up
# Uses VFXSRCDIR and VFXROOTDIR variables
${VFXBINFILE} "cr .( type bye to exit ) cr"

What I've done is removed all the conditionals, commented out a file which isn't there and added a missing file extension. I assume you have a pristine system and never ran vfx.

Now try again in the Terminal window. Hopefully you can now continue with George Kozlowski's solution.
0 votes
by (200 points)
Dear Rolf,

I couldn't get the program running due to the inaccessibily of it. I changed the file "InstallMe.Osx64.command" with microsoft Word into the program you provided me. I couldn't open the accessibillity of the program file. Can you help me again?

Kindly regards

Pierre Thijssen
by (200 points)
edited by
Nearly last resort from my side:

What I would do, not being bothered with the install script (which looks outdated?).

1. Create a link to the executable using Terminal.

Open a Terminal window pointing at /Users/pierrethijssen/VfxRoot/ as described before.
Copy or type:  cd VfxForthOsx64/Bin
and hit the return key.
Copy or type:   ln -s VfxForth_x64_mac.mo vfx64
and hit the return key.
You could be asked for your password.

You can do the same if you want with
  ln -s VfxForth_x64_mac.mo vfxforth64
  ln -s VfxForth_x64_mac.mo vfxosx64
but this isn't necessary. One suffices, take your pick.

2. Copy the dynlib files using Finder.

Open a Finder window pointing at /Users/pierrethijssen/VfxRoot/VfxForthOsx64/Bin
Select libmpeparser64.0.dylib  and  vfxsupp64.1.dylib
Hit cmd-c (command c)

Next select, Finder menu -> Go -> Go To Folder...
Type _not_ copy:   /usr/local/lib
and hit the Go button.
The finder window now shows /usr/local/lib
Hit cmd-v (command v)
You will be asked for your password.

3. Running vfx64 automatically creates an ini file in
/Users/pierrethijssen/Library/Application Support/VfxForth/VfxForth64.ini

So in your Terminal window type   vfx64   and hit the return key.
You might now be getting in the situation described and solved by George Kozlowski.

4. create a double clickable vfx64 application

In Finder go to /Users/pierrethijssen/VfxRoot/VfxForthOsx64/Bin
select VfxForth_x64_mac.mo
Finder menu File -> Get Info -> Open with: -> Other... -> /Applications/Utilities/Terminal

select VfxForth_x64_mac.mo
Finder menu File -> Make Alias
Rename "VfxForth_x64_mac.mo alias"  to whatever suitable (vfx64) and drag the alias to wherever convenient (desktop).

Double clicking this alias will launch vfx64 in Terminal.

PS I'll be away for a week so can't help you any further right now. At least you have the tarball unpacked :-)
I would suggest to get a texteditor like BareBones BBEdit (it has a free mode) or something similar which can be used in conjunction with VFX (command line access).
When I'm back I will edit my contributions in to one post to avoid having this sprawling all over the place... Sorry.
by (200 points)
Dear Rolf,
I got the same problems again. I succesfully implemented your code in the terminal app and generated  “vfxforth_x64_mac.mo alias”. After double clicking it a small window appears with the text “vfxforth_x64_mac_mo” cannot be opende because it is from an unidentified developer. After double clicking the small circle with the question mark  and a window appears with the header “Protect your Mac from malware”. Double clicking “Open the General pane for me”. Now a window appears “Security & Privacy/General”.  If I use a fresh copy of the alias from the backup in Dropbox the possibility of opening  a file from an unidentified developer is displayed. Clicking the button “Open Anyway” gives a window with the text at the end “Are you sure you want to open it?”. Then click the button “Open”. It nows opens the app “Open Any File” with a window with the header. I cannot go further anymore.
Last week I got sometimes  vfxforth64 running in the Terminal app successfully but after a day or so the problems are returning back again. Do you have a solution for it?
I’m at the end of my possibilities. Already thanks for your help.
Kindly regards
Pierre Thijssen