Forth Dimensions

FIG stuff

The original scanning of Forth Dimensions was done by Ed Thelen in August 2003, for the gang at Harry's Hofbrau. Bob Smith provided the printed documents and assisted in scanning them. A separate scan was done by John Hall. In addition, Jay McKnight used the optical character recognition function of Adobe Acrobat to further process these image files, converting them into the searchable PDF documents listed here.

A note on these Forth Dimensions files:

"I have processed these Forth Dimensions PDF files thru the "optical character reader" (OCR) and "reduce file size" functions of Adobe's "Acrobat Version 7". This does a pretty good, but not perfect, job of recognizing continuous English-language text characters, but I have not proof-read any of the text, so there will certainly be errors."

"So with such text you can use Acrobat or the free Acrobat Reader to view these files as an image, and to search for words, or to copy words, lines, or blocks of text, which are "text behind the image". But for any critical application, you must proof read the resultant text."

"With program listings, this Acrobat OCR does not work so well. It tends to ignore columns of numbers, and perhaps even columns of alphanumeric characters that are not English-language words. It also stops working after a long space between columns. Acrobat has many "preferences" that one must search for. Also there are other OCR programs, such as "OmniPage", sold by Nuance. So if you need to OCR the program listings, it would be worth while for you to see if there is a better way to do it than I have used here."

Jay McKnight
Cupertino, CA
February 24, 2007

The PDF documents are viewable with Adobe Acrobat Reader. A copy can be downloaded from the Adobe website.

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The Find function in your browser (often under EDIT) can be used to search for a particular word in this Table of Contents.

You may also reach the alphabetized topics by clicking on the first character of the article's title:
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Table of Contents
Volumes 1 - 6

Article Volume, Number, and Page
:: V2, 168
:CASE V2. 41
3-D Animation V5N1
31, Game of V3, 154
6502 and 6809 Absolute Branches V5N2
6502 Tiny Pseudocode V2, 7
6502, Assembler V3, 143
6502, Corrections for ENCLOSE V3, 170
6800, Listing, Tree Deletion V2, 105
6809 Implementation Notes V2, 3
79 Forth ROM for Apple II V4N4
79 Standard - A Tool Box? V3, 74
79 Standard V3, 139
79 Standard, FILL V3, 42
79 Standard, WORD V3, 73
79 Standard, Continuing Dialog V3, 5
79 Standard, DO, LOOP, +LOOP V3, 172
8080 Assembler V3, 180
8080 FIG-Forth in ROM V4N4
8080, FIG Disk Copying V3, 42
8080, Tips on Bringing up V3, 40
9900 TRACE V3, 173
A More General ONLY V5N5
Add a Breakpoint Tool V5N1
Adding Nodules, Structured Programming V2, 132
Algebraic Expression Evaluation in Forth V4N6
Anonymous Variables V6N1
Apple-4TH CASE V2, 62
Apple Forth a la Modem V5N4
Art of Recursion V4N2
Artificial Linguistics V3. 138
ASCII Instead of EMIT V3, 72
Assemble, 6502 V3, 143
Assembler, 8080 V3, 180
Augmented TRACE V6N5
BASIC Compiler Revisited V3, 175
Balanced Tree Deletion in FASL V2. 96
Beginner's Stumbling Block V2, 23
Benchmark, Project V2. 112
Book Review, Starting Forth V3, 76
Bringing up 8080 V3, 40
Business Applications V4N5
CASE and PROD Constructs V2, 53
CASE as a Defining Word V3, 189
CASE Augmented V3, 187
CASE, Bochert / Lion V2, 50
CASE, Brecher V2, 53
CASE, Brothers V2, 55
CASE Contest Statement V2, 73
CASE, Eaker V2, 37
CASE, Emery V2, 60
CASE, Fittery V2, 62
CASE, Generalized Structure V3, 190
CASE Implementation V2, 60
CASE, Kattenberg V2, 67
CASE, Lyons V2, 73
CASE, Munson V2, 41
CASE, Perry V2, 78
CASE, Powell V2, 81
CASE, Selzer V2, 82
CASE Statement V2, 55
CASE Statement V2. 82
CASE Statement V2, 81
CASE Statement V2, 84
CASE Statement V2, 87
CASE, SEL, and Conditional Structures V2, 116
CASE, Wilson V2, 85
CASE, Witt & Busler V2, 87
CASEs Continued V3, 187
Charles Moore, Speech to a FORTH Convention V1, 60
Checksum for Hand-Entered Source Screens V4N3
Code and Colon Compatibility V5N3
Codong for ROM V4N4
Compiler Security, How it Works and How it Doesn't V3, 15
Complex Analysis in Forth V3, 125
Continued Fractions V6N3
Control Structures, Transportable with Compiler Security V3, 176
CORDIC Algorithm Revisited V5N3
CORDOC Algorithm for Fixed-Point Polar Geometry V4N1
Corrections to METAFORTH V3, 41
CP/M, Skewed Sectors for V3, 182
CVD, Convert to Decimal V3, 142
D-Charts V1, 30
Data Acquisition V5N5
Database Design, Elements of V3, 45
Data Strctures in a Telecommunications Front End V3,1 10
Data Structures, Optimized for Hardware Control V3, 118
Debugging from a Full-Screen Editor V5N2
Decompiler for SYN-FORTH V3, 61
Defining Words, New Syntax for Defining V2, 121
Development of a DUMP Utility V2, 170
Diagnostics on Disk Buffers V3, 183
Dictionary Searches V3, 57
Discussion of 'TO' V2, 19
Disk Access Speed Increase V3, 53
Disk Buffers, Diagnostics on V3, 183
Disk Copying, Changing 8080 FIG V3, 42
DO-CASE Extensions V2, 64
DO-CASE, Giles V2, 64
DO-CASE, Elvey V2, 57
DO-CASE Statement V2, 57
DO ... WHEN ... LOOP Construct V5N6
DTC versus ITC on PDP-11 V1, 25
DUMP Utility, Development of V2, 170
Easy Directory System V5N3
Editor V2,142
Editir Extensions V2, 156
Eight Queens Problem V2, 6
ENCLOSE, 6502 Correction V3, 170
Enhanced DO LOOP V6N6
Entry for FIG CASE Contest V2, 67
Eratosthenes, Sieve of V3, 181
Evolution of a Forth Freak V1, 3
Execution VARIABLE and ARRAY V2, 109
Execution Vectors V3, 174
Extending the Forth Compiler V5N1
Extensibility with Forth V1, 13
FASL, Balanced Tree Deletion V2, 96
Faster Dictionary Searches V5N6
FIG-Forth Interpreters V6N1
FIG-Forth Vocabulary Structure V5N3
File Editir V2, 142
File Naming System V2, 29
Fixed-Point Logarithms V5N5
Fixed-Point Math V4N1
Fixed-Point Square Root V4N1
Fixed-Point Square Roots V5N6
Fixed-Point Trig by Derivation V4N1
Fixed-Point Trig by Table Lookup V4N1
Floating-Point Math V4N1
Floating Point on S-80 V3, 184
For Newcomers V1, 11
FORGET, "Smart" V2, 154
Forgiving FORGET V2, 154
FORML 1983: A Review V5N5
FORML China Tour V6N5
Forte' - A Forth-Based Operating System V4N3
Forth-79 Programs ->Forth-83 V6N3
Forth-83 LOOP Structure V5N4
Forth-83: A Minority View V5N3
Forth-85 CASE Statement V1, 50
Forth and the University V3, 101
Forth Applications Conference V5N2
Forth as a Teaching Language V4N6
Forth Based File Handling System V4N3
Forth CASE Statement V2,78
Forth Cheaper than Hardware V5N2
Forth Control Structures V6N2
Forth Definition V1, 18
Forth Dialect, German, IPS V2, 113
Forth Engine V3, 78
Forth Froth V5N4
Forth Implementation Project V1, 41
Forth in Business Applications V4N5
Forth in Laser Fusion V3, 102
Forth in Literature V2, 9
Forth in the Arts V5N1
Forth in the Computer Toolbox V4N2
Forth Inc., FIG, Starting Forth V3, 80
Forth Learns German V1, 5
Forth Learns German, Part2 V1, 15
Forth P-Code Interpreter V6N4
Forth Poem: ' SONG' V1, 63
Forth Semaphores V6N4
Forth Step; Stepper Motor Control V4N2
Forth versus Assembly V1, 33
Forth, Implementing at the University of Rochester V3, 105
Forth, The Last Ten Years and the Next 2 Weeks: Speech by Charles Moore V1, 60
Fractional Arithmetic V4N1
Functional Programming and Forth V3,137
Game of 31 V3, 154
Game of Mastermind V3, 150
Game of Reverse V3, 152
Game, Towers of Hanoi V2, 32
Generalized CASE Structure V3, 190
Generalized LOOP Construct V2, 26
German Forth Dialect, IPS V2, 113
German Revisited V1, 15
German, Forth Learns V1, 5
German, Forth Learns, Part 2 V1, 15
Glossary Documentation V1, 44
GODO Construct, Kitt Peak V2, 89
Graphic Graphics V3, 185
Graphics, Simulated Tektronix 4010 V3, 156
Graphics, Towers of Hanoi V2, 32
Greatest Common Divisor V2, 166
Handling Interrupts in Forth V4N2
Hardware Control V4N2
Help V1, 19
High-Level Floating Point V4N1
High Speed Disk Copy V1, 34
Implementation Notes, 6809 V2, 3
In-word Parameter Passing V5N3
In-word Parameter Words V6N6
Increasing Disk Access Speed, FIG V3, 53
Indexer: Enhancements to a Database Model V4N5
Input Number Word Set V2, 129
Interactive Computer Graphics V5N1
Interactive Editing V6N1
Iinterrupt Handler V3, 116
Interview with Charles Moore V5N2
Interview with William F. Ragsdale V5N6
Introduction to Data Acquisition V5N5
IPS , German Forth Dialect V2, 113
Jist in CASE V2, 37
Kitt Peak Construct V2, 89
Local Definitions V6N6
Local Variables, Turing Stack into V3, 185
LOOP, A Generalized Construct V2, 26
Macro Expansion in Forth V5N5
Manufacturing Cost Program V5N4
Mapped Memory Management V3, 113
Marketing Column V3, 92
Mastermind, Game of V3, 158
Mathquiz V6N6
Menu-Driven Software V5N4
MetaForth, Corrections to V3, 41
Microassembler, Micro-size V3, 126
Modem, Transfer Screens by V3, 162
Modest Proposal for Dictionary Headers V1, 49
More from George (Pascal versus Forth) V1, 54
More Debugging V6N3
More on Databases V5N1
Music Generation V3, 54
New Control Structure V6N1
New Syntax for Defining Words V2, 121
Nova Bugs V3, 172
Operating Systems V4N3
Optimizing Dictionary Searches V3, 57
Paradigm for Data Input V5N5
Parameter Passing to DOES> V3, 14
Pascal versus Forth (more from George ) V1, 54
PDP-11, DTC versus. ITC V1, 25
Picture Worth a 1000 Words V4N5
PL/I Data Structures V5N6
Poem V2, 9
Procedural Arguments V6N2
Programming Hints V2, 168
Project Benchmark V2, 112
Proposed CASE Statement V2, 50
QTF - Quick Text Formatter V4N3
Quadruple Word Simple Arithmetic V4N1
Quick Test Formatter V4N4
Quick Sort in Forth V5N5
Quicksort and Swords V6N5
RAMdisk for 8086/8088 FIG-Forth V5N3
Re-Defining a Colon Word V6N3
Recursion and Ackermann Function V3, 89
Recursion of the Forth Kind V5N5
Recursion V6N4
Recursion, Eight Queens Problem V2, 6
Recursion, Rountable on V3, 179
Recursive Decompiler V4N2
Recursive Sort on the Stack V5N2
Rehabilitation Applications V6N2
Reverse, Game of V3, 152
Revisited: Recursive Decompiler V5N6
ROMable Forth with Separate Headers V4N4
Roundtable on Recursion V3, 179
Run '79 Code on Forth-83 V6N4
Search V2, 165
Separated Heads V2, 147
Shear Joy of Clipping Recursively V4N3
Sieve of Eratosthenes V3, 181
Simple Forth Multi-Tasking Environment V5N2
Simple Modem I/O V6N5
Simple Multi-Tasker V5N2
Simple Overlay System V5N1
Simple Data Transfer Protocol V6N2
Skewed Sectors for CP/M V3, 182
So Many Variables V5N4
Source Screen Documentation Tool V4N2
Space Graphics Problem V5N1
Spooling to Disk V3, 26
Stack-Oriented Co-Processors and Forth V5N3
Stack Diagram Utility V3, 23
Standardized Microcomputer Operating System Interface V4N3
Starting Forth, A Book Review V3, 76
String Stack V3, 121
Structured Programming by Adding Modules V2, 132
Symbol Dictionary Area V2, 147
Table Lookup Examples V3, 151
Teaching Forth on a VAX V4N6
Teaching Forth V4N6
Tele-conference V3. 12
Telecommunications Data Structures in a Front End V3, 110
Temporal Aspects of Forth V2, 23
The Far Right Stuff V6N6
Theory that Jack Built V2, 9
Threaded Cose V1, 17
TI 99/4A Screen Dump V6N6
Timekeeping in Forth V5N5
Tiny Pseudo-code V1, 7
TO Solution V1, 38
TO Solution Continued V1, 48
Tolls, Random Number Generator V2, 34
Towards Elimination Forth Screens V5N5
Towers of Hanoi V2, 34
Trace for 9900 V3, 173
Tracer for Colon Definitions V5N2
Tracing Colon Definitions V3. 58
Transfer Screens by Modem V3, 162
Transient Definitions V3, 171
Transportable Control Structures V3, 176
Tree Structure, FASL V2, 96
TRS-80 Floating Point V3, 184
Turning Stack into Local Variables V3, 185
Userstack V3, 20
Using ENCLOSE on 8080 V3, 41
Using FORTH for Tradeoffs between Hardware/Firmware/Software V1, 4
Using Apple IIe's Extra RAM V6N1
Variable and Array Execution V2, 109
Vectored Execution and Recursion V5N4
Vendor Support of Floating Point V4N1
VIEW V2, 164
View or not to View V2, 162
Vocabulary Tutorial, Part II V5N4
Voice of Victor 9000 V5N2
W, Rename V1, 16
What is the FORTH Interest Group? V1,1
Why Forth Isn't Slow V6N5
Within WITHIN V5N5
Word Set, Input Number V2, 129
Words about WORDS V3, 141
Write Like a Fox V6N3
XEQ V2, 109
Yet Another Number Utility V5N4

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