The Journal of Forth Application and Research
ISSN: 0738-2022

Forth Institute Editorial Board Author's Guidelines
Authors Index
Volume 7
Volume 6
Volume 5
Volume 4
Volume 3
Volume 2
Volume 1

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Author Index

[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ]


Ballard, Ben
  1. Forth Direct Execution Processors in the Hopkins Ultraviolat Telescope.
    Volume 2, Number 1, pages 33-47.
Baranoff, S. N.
  1. The Forth Language and Its Implementation, with N. R. Nozdrunoff.
    Volume 5, Number 3, pages 381-382.
  2. Forth in the U.S.S.R.
    Volume 5, Number 3, pages 383-387.
  3. Forth for IBM Mainframe Computers.
    Volume 5, Number 3, pages 389-391.
  4. Symbolic Computations on a Personal Computer.
    Volume 5, Number 3, pages 393-394.
Bardin, R. K.
  1. Architectures for High-Speed Processing.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 83-86.
Basile, James D.
  1. Implementing Datastructures in Forth.
    Volume 1, Number 2, pages 5-15.
  2. A Forth Finite State Machine, Forth Extension.
    Volume 1, Number 2, pages 76-78.
  3. Multi-Dimension Arrays, Forth Extension.
    Volume 1, Number 2, pages 79-80.
  4. Top-Down Design in Forth.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 81-84.
  5. Artificial Intelligence: The Human-Computer Interface?.
    Volume 4, Number 2, pages 169-172.
Belinfante, Johan G. F.
  1. S/K/ID: Combinators in Forth.
    Volume 4, Number 4, pages 555-580.
Bender, James C.
  1. Forth Implementation in a High-Level Language.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 85-88.
  2. Fifth-Generation Forth.
    Volume 4, Number 2, pages 173-176.
  3. Forth-like Languages for Artificial Intelligence, Working Group Report, with Richard Maskell.
    Volume 4, Number 2, pages 359-361.
Berkey, Robert
  1. Analysis of Several Extended-Memory 8086 Forth Implementation Approaches.
    Volume 2, Number 4, pages 27-32.
  2. Segment-Threaded Code, Technical Note.
    Volume 2, Number 4, pages 51-53.
Betancourt, Jose
  1. Interactive Headerless Code, Algorithm.
    Volume 2, Number 1, pages 89-90.
Birkelund, J. R.
  1. Measurement of Interrupt Response Time of PDP-11/44 and PDP-11/23 Computers with a CAMAC Interface, with J. A. Abate and T. S. Lund.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 89-92.
Blake, Peter R.
  1. An Implementation of MC68000 fig-Forth under Unix, with Nicholas Solntseff.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 93-96.
Boni, Robert
  1. Expanding the Forth dictionary beyond the 64K limit by using 'Bodiless' Code.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 97-100.
Bonissone, Piero P.
  1. Expert System for Diesel Electric Locomotive Repair, with Harold E. Johnson Jr.
    Volume 1, Number 1, pages 7-16.
Bonne, Allan K.
  1. An Intelligent Forth-Based Robotic Vehicle, with Steven J. Formisani, Stuart D. Asakawa and Maged G. Tomeh.
    Volume 2, Number 2, pages 37-56.
Bowers, T. L.
  1. Making Novix Beta Boards into Development Workstations (Abstract Only), with Ray K. Adams.
    Volume 4, Number 2, page 289.
Bowling, John
  1. Improving the Understandability of Forth Code.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 101-104.
Braams, Harm
  1. Simulating and Symbolic Debugging (Abstract Only).
    Volume 4, Number 2, page 329.
Bradley, Mitch
  1. Forth in a Hardware-Rich Environment.
    Volume 2, Number 4, pages 5-8.
  2. Compatible Forth on a 32-Bit Machine, with William L. Sebok.
    Volume 2, Number 4, pages 33-38.
  3. A Window System.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 105-108.
  4. Forth and Unix, Working Group Report.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 251-254.
Brakefield, James C.
  1. An Alternate Forth Dictionary Structure.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 109-112.
  2. Signal Space, Address Space & Symbol Space.
    Volume 4, Number 2, pages 349-352.
Bramms, Harm
  1. Basic on Forth (Abstract Only), with Hans Nieuwenhuÿzen.
    Volume 3, Number 2, page 197.
Brandeberry, James E.
  1. The Use of Forth in the Instruction of Introductory Robotics, with Alan J. Cotterman and Daniel M. Willeford.
    Volume 2, Number 2, pages 25-36.
Breeden, J. Brooks
  1. Forth and Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) I. From Mainframe to Micro: From Coursewriter to Forth.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 87-89.
  2. Forth and Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) II. The Role of Forth in Formative Evaluation of Instructional Materials.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 91-94.
Brown, R. J.
  1. Committee Networks: What They Can and Cannot Do.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 97-100.
  2. Dreams.
    Volume 6, Number 4, pages 279-318.
Brown, Robert E.
  1. Organizing and Financing Start-Up Software Ventures.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 95-96.
Browning, Iben
  1. Biological Aspects of Neural Nets.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 9-10.
Brumm, D. B.
  1. A Stand-alone Forth System, with Upendra D. Kulkarni.
    Volume 4, Number 2, pages 265-268.
  2. A Stand-Alone Forth System, with Upendra D. Kulkarni.
    Volume 4, Number 3, pages 389-404.
Buege, Bob
  1. Conversion of a Token Threaded Language to an Addressed Threaded Language.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 113-115.
  2. Release of Z80 RTL to the Public Domain.
    Volume 4, Number 2, pages 269-271.
Burnley, Phil
  1. A High Performance VME Processor Card When 32-Bit Super-Micros Can't Cut It, with Thomas Harkaway.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 101-107.
Burton, R. T.
  1. Forth, Expert Systems, and Mechanical Engineering Education, with C. M. Sargent, L. Glen Watson and R. M. Westman.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 213-216.
Butler, Philip L.
  1. The Implementation of a Parallel Architecture for the OPS Export System Language (Abstract Only), with John D. Allen.
    Volume 5, Number 1, page 235.