Author Index
- Ballard, Ben
- Forth Direct Execution Processors in the Hopkins Ultraviolat Telescope.
Volume 2, Number 1, pages 33-47.
- Baranoff, S. N.
- The Forth Language and Its Implementation, with N. R. Nozdrunoff.
Volume 5, Number 3, pages 381-382.
- Forth in the U.S.S.R.
Volume 5, Number 3, pages 383-387.
- Forth for IBM Mainframe Computers.
Volume 5, Number 3, pages 389-391.
- Symbolic Computations on a Personal Computer.
Volume 5, Number 3, pages 393-394.
- Bardin, R. K.
- Architectures for High-Speed Processing.
Volume 5, Number 1, pages 83-86.
- Basile, James D.
- Implementing Datastructures in Forth.
Volume 1, Number 2, pages 5-15.
- A Forth Finite State Machine, Forth Extension.
Volume 1, Number 2, pages 76-78.
- Multi-Dimension Arrays, Forth Extension.
Volume 1, Number 2, pages 79-80.
- Top-Down Design in Forth.
Volume 3, Number 2, pages 81-84.
- Artificial Intelligence: The Human-Computer Interface?.
Volume 4, Number 2, pages 169-172.
- Belinfante, Johan G. F.
- S/K/ID: Combinators in Forth.
Volume 4, Number 4, pages 555-580.
- Bender, James C.
- Forth Implementation in a High-Level Language.
Volume 3, Number 2, pages 85-88.
- Fifth-Generation Forth.
Volume 4, Number 2, pages 173-176.
- Forth-like Languages for Artificial Intelligence, Working Group Report, with Richard Maskell.
Volume 4, Number 2, pages 359-361.
- Berkey, Robert
- Analysis of Several Extended-Memory 8086 Forth Implementation Approaches.
Volume 2, Number 4, pages 27-32.
- Segment-Threaded Code, Technical Note.
Volume 2, Number 4, pages 51-53.
- Betancourt, Jose
- Interactive Headerless Code, Algorithm.
Volume 2, Number 1, pages 89-90.
- Birkelund, J. R.
- Measurement of Interrupt Response Time of PDP-11/44 and PDP-11/23 Computers with a CAMAC Interface, with J. A. Abate and T. S. Lund.
Volume 3, Number 2, pages 89-92.
- Blake, Peter R.
- An Implementation of MC68000 fig-Forth under Unix, with Nicholas Solntseff.
Volume 3, Number 2, pages 93-96.
- Boni, Robert
- Expanding the Forth dictionary beyond the 64K limit by using 'Bodiless' Code.
Volume 3, Number 2, pages 97-100.
- Bonissone, Piero P.
- Expert System for Diesel Electric Locomotive Repair, with Harold E. Johnson Jr.
Volume 1, Number 1, pages 7-16.
- Bonne, Allan K.
- An Intelligent Forth-Based Robotic Vehicle, with Steven J. Formisani, Stuart D. Asakawa and Maged G. Tomeh.
Volume 2, Number 2, pages 37-56.
- Bowers, T. L.
- Making Novix Beta Boards into Development Workstations (Abstract Only), with Ray K. Adams.
Volume 4, Number 2, page 289.
- Bowling, John
- Improving the Understandability of Forth Code.
Volume 3, Number 2, pages 101-104.
- Braams, Harm
- Simulating and Symbolic Debugging (Abstract Only).
Volume 4, Number 2, page 329.
- Bradley, Mitch
- Forth in a Hardware-Rich Environment.
Volume 2, Number 4, pages 5-8.
- Compatible Forth on a 32-Bit Machine, with William L. Sebok.
Volume 2, Number 4, pages 33-38.
- A Window System.
Volume 3, Number 2, pages 105-108.
- Forth and Unix, Working Group Report.
Volume 3, Number 2, pages 251-254.
- Brakefield, James C.
- An Alternate Forth Dictionary Structure.
Volume 3, Number 2, pages 109-112.
- Signal Space, Address Space & Symbol Space.
Volume 4, Number 2, pages 349-352.
- Bramms, Harm
- Basic on Forth (Abstract Only), with Hans Nieuwenhuÿzen.
Volume 3, Number 2, page 197.
- Brandeberry, James E.
- The Use of Forth in the Instruction of Introductory Robotics, with Alan J. Cotterman and Daniel M. Willeford.
Volume 2, Number 2, pages 25-36.
- Breeden, J. Brooks
- Forth and Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) I. From Mainframe to Micro: From Coursewriter to Forth.
Volume 5, Number 1, pages 87-89.
- Forth and Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) II. The Role of Forth in Formative Evaluation of Instructional Materials.
Volume 5, Number 1, pages 91-94.
- Brown, R. J.
- Committee Networks: What They Can and Cannot Do.
Volume 5, Number 1, pages 97-100.
- Dreams.
Volume 6, Number 4, pages 279-318.
- Brown, Robert E.
- Organizing and Financing Start-Up Software Ventures.
Volume 5, Number 1, pages 95-96.
- Browning, Iben
- Biological Aspects of Neural Nets.
Volume 5, Number 1, pages 9-10.
- Brumm, D. B.
- A Stand-alone Forth System, with Upendra D. Kulkarni.
Volume 4, Number 2, pages 265-268.
- A Stand-Alone Forth System, with Upendra D. Kulkarni.
Volume 4, Number 3, pages 389-404.
- Buege, Bob
- Conversion of a Token Threaded Language to an Addressed Threaded Language.
Volume 3, Number 2, pages 113-115.
- Release of Z80 RTL to the Public Domain.
Volume 4, Number 2, pages 269-271.
- Burnley, Phil
- A High Performance VME Processor Card When 32-Bit Super-Micros Can't Cut It, with Thomas Harkaway.
Volume 5, Number 1, pages 101-107.
- Burton, R. T.
- Forth, Expert Systems, and Mechanical Engineering Education, with C. M. Sargent, L. Glen Watson and R. M. Westman.
Volume 5, Number 1, pages 213-216.
- Butler, Philip L.
- The Implementation of a Parallel Architecture for the OPS Export System Language (Abstract Only), with John D. Allen.
Volume 5, Number 1, page 235.