The Journal of Forth Application and Research
ISSN: 0738-2022

Forth Institute Editorial Board Author's Guidelines
Authors Index
Volume 7
Volume 6
Volume 5
Volume 4
Volume 3
Volume 2
Volume 1

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Author Index

[ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ]


Daly, A. C.
  1. A Requirement Definition Language, Simulator and Test Harness for Programmable Logic Control Systems (PLCs) (Abstract Only), with B. J. Mercer and C. L. Stephens.
    Volume 4, Number 2, page 239.
Davis, Robert H.
  1. A Micro Based ASW Trainer in Forth.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 129-132.
  2. Extended Memory Operations for F83.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 131-134.
  3. Object-Oriented Local Variables / Data Structures for F83.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 135-136.
Debaere, Eddy H.
  1. Language Coprocessor Boosting the Execution Speed of Threaded Code Programs.
    Volume 5, Number 4, pages 453-458.
Dickerhoof, Greg
  1. Toward an Iconic Forth (Abstract Only).
    Volume 5, Number 1, page 238.
  2. Neural Nets, Working Group Report, with B. Gregory Louis.
    Volume 5, Number 1, page 254.
Dixon, Robert D.
  1. A Forth Machine for the S-100 System, with R. C. Grewe.
    Volume 2, Number 1, pages 23-32.
  2. A Microcoded Machine Simulator and Microcode Assembler in a Forth Environment (Abstract Only), with Alan J. Cotterman and R. C. Grewe.
    Volume 3, Number 2, page 127.
  3. A Machine to Implement a Generalized Forth Environment (Abstract Only), with R. C. Grewe, T. Rocheleau and Alan J. Cotterman.
    Volume 3, Number 2, page 133.
  4. Forth Machines, Working Group Report, with Alan J. Winfield.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 249-240.
  5. A Microcoded Machine Simulator and Microcode Assembler in a Forth Environment, with Alan J. Cotterman, R. C. Grewe and G. Simpson.
    Volume 3, Number 3, pages 5-37.
  6. C and Forth Machines (Abstract Only), with Debra Roark.
    Volume 4, Number 2, page 237.
  7. A More Thorough Syntax Checker for Forth, with David Hemmendinger.
    Volume 4, Number 2, pages 245-248.
  8. Embeddings of Languages in Forth.
    Volume 4, Number 4, pages 459-462.
  9. Compiling and Analyzing Forth in Prolog, with David Hammendinger.
    Volume 4, Number 4, pages 353-554.
  10. A Stack-Frame Architecture Language Processor.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 11-25.
  11. A VLSI Implementation of a Stack-Frame Computer, with C. Longway and Ray Siferd.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 165-168.
Dorband, John E.
  1. The Massively Parallel Processor: Architecture and Application.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 27-38.
  2. Parallel Computing, Working Group Report.
    Volume 5, Number 1, page 255.
  3. Parallel Forth.
    Volume 5, Number 4, pages 459-468.
Dowling, Thomas B.
  1. The QUAN Concept Expanded, Technical Note.
    Volume 1, Number 2, pages 69-71.
  2. Plotter Drivers as an Exercise in Forth Wordset Design, with A. Richard Miller.
    Volume 3, Number 2.
  3. Plotter Drivers as an Exercise in Forth Wordset Design, Technical Note, with A. Richard Miller.
    Volume 3, Number 3, pages 85-90.
  4. User-Oriented Suggestions for Floating-Point and Complex-Arithmetic Forth Standard Extensions, with Ferren MacIntyre.
    Volume 3, Number 4, pages 65-84.
Doyle, William T.
  1. A Portable Forth Random Number Generator.
Dress, William B.
  1. A Forth Implementation of the Heap Data Structure.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 135-138.
  2. Artificial Intelligence, Working Group Report, with Ray K. Adams.
    Volume 3, Number 2, pages 241-245.
  3. A Forth Implementation of the Heap Data Structure for Memory Management.
    Volume 3, Number 3, pages 39-49.
  4. REAL-OPS: A Real-Time Engineering Applications Language for Writing Expert Systems.
    Volume 4, Number 2, pages 113-124.
  5. High Performance Neural Networks, with Martin Marietta.
    Volume 5, Number 1, pages 137-140.
  6. Alternative Knowledge Acquisition: Developing A Pulse-Coded Neural Network.
    Volume 5, Number 3, pages 397-406.
Duff, Charles B.
  1. Forth meets Smalltalk, with Norman D. Iverson.
    Volume 2, Number 3, pages 7-26.
  2. A Group Construct for Field Words, Algorithm.
    Volume 2, Number 3, pages 83-87.
  3. ACTOR, A Threaded Object-Oriented Language.
    Volume 4, Number 2, pages 155-161.
Dumse, Randy M.
  1. A Robotic Application for Contamination Free Assembly.
    Volume 1, Number 1, pages 33-41.
  2. The R65F11 and F68K Single-Chip Forth Computers.
    Volume 2, Number 1, pages 11-21.
  3. Real-Time State Machine Implementation Programming Techniques (Abstract Only).
    Volume 3, Number 2, page 139.
  4. State Machines, Working Group Report.
    Volume 3, Number 2, page 261.
Duncan, Ray
  1. The LMI Forth-83 Metacompiler.
    Volume 4, Number 2, pages 257-258.
  2. LMI Forth for OS/2 (Abstract Only).
    Volume 5, Number 1, page 239.